It is time to break free of the IPCC death grip – Australia is already at net zero thanks to its vast forests and grasslands

It is time to break free of the IPCC death grip – Australia is already at net zero thanks to its vast forests and grasslands

In July 2022, I  published a report on my analysis of the sequestration (absorption) of carbon dioxide from Australia’s vast forests and grasslands. The startling result showed the forests and grasslands sequestered an amount of 5.7 billion tonnes annually, more than ten times Australia’s fossil fuel emissions. Following is an extract from that report. Sequestration...

Australia to spend up to 4.4 trillion dollars to achieve net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050

Australia to spend up to 4.4 trillion dollars to achieve net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050

Most Western countries, stampeded by climate activists, peer pressure and the UN elites, promise to go carbon neutral by mid-century. Surprisingly very few countries have made a serious independent estimate of the cost. Any country aiming to achieve net-zero carbon dioxide emissions must replace all fossil fuel burning equipment with carbon-free equipment and generators. Where...

Critical Race Theory

Critical Race Theory

Critical Race Theory grew out of an earlier study, Critical Theory by Italian Communist, Antonio Gramsci. Critical Theory was, from the start, an unremitting attack on Western institutions and norms in order to tear them down

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